Figure 4.
shRNA-mediated knockdown of NAC shell Homer2b levels blunts binge alcohol drinking. a–a″, Representative micrographs of immunostaining for AAV-transfected HA-tagged Homer2b in the NAC core. Filled arrows in subpanel a″ (40× magnification of tissue section) indicate cytoplasmic and process staining, and open arrows indicate staining that is localized more to the plasma membrane. b, Summary of the effects of intra-NAC shell and intra-NAC core infusions of AAVs carrying Homer2 cDNA, Homer2 shRNA, or control shRNA during the average alcohol intake of B6 mice over the course of a week of 30 min limited alcohol access in the SHAC procedure. c, Summary of the effects of intra-NAC shell and core infusions of the AAVs on the average water intake of mice on intervening 30 min limited water access days. The data in b and c represent the means ± SEM of the number of animals indicated in the figure. *p < 0.05 versus control.