Table 4.
Diagnostic Group Differences in Cognitive Style Dimensions and BAS and BIS Sensitivities Controlling for Depressive (BDI) and Hypomanic/Manic (HMI) Symptoms
Bipolar | Normal | Group Differences |
M (SD) | M (SD) | β | t | p | |
DAS PE | 47.07 (15.78) | 33.86 (10.42) | .245 | 4.98 | .001 |
DAS AO | 39.53 (10.48) | 36.86 (8.67) | -.034 | -0.61 | .54 |
SAS AUT | 103.73 (11.75) | 94.50 (11.68) | .407 | 7.46 | .001 |
SAS SOC | 93.60 (18.19) | 86.76 (15.82) | .052 | 0.93 | .36 |
DEQ SC | 0.52 (0.93) | -0.79 (0.89) | .392 | 8.86 | .001 |
DEQ DEP | -0.67 (0.94) | -0.88 (0.82) | -.014 | -0.25 | .80 |
BAS Total | 40.88 (5.31) | 37.97 (5.12) | .266 | 3.53 | .001 |
BAS D | 11.48 (2.32) | 10.49 (2.39) | .203 | 2.67 | .008 |
BAS FS | 12.41 (2.38) | 11.01 (2.24) | .289 | 3.88 | .001 |
BAS RR | 16.99 (1.99) | 16.43 (1.92) | .121 | 1.56 | .12 |
BIS | 20.85 (3.67) | 20.11 (3.12) | .033 | 0.43 | .66 |
The means (M) and standard deviations (SD) shown are not adjusted for concurrent depressive and hypomanic/manic symptoms; however, the group differences shown from the regression analyses do control for symptom levels. BAS = Behavioral Approach System from the BIS/BAS Scales; BIS = Behavioral Inhibition System from the BIS/BAS Scales; D = Drive subscale; FS = Fun-Seeking subscale; RR = Reward Responsiveness subscale; BDI = Beck Depressive Inventory; HMI = Halberstadt Mania Inventory; DAS = Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale; PE = Performance Evaluation subscale; AO = Approval by Others subscale; SAS = Sociotropy Autonomy Scales; AUT = Autonomy subscale; SOC = Sociotropy subscale; DEQ = Depressive Experiences Questionnaire; SC = Self-Criticism subscale; DEP = Dependency subscale.