(A) Representative LFP activity traces recorded 1 day after KA in fNR1 controls (left), Group A ‘non-cell death’ mutants (middle) and Group B ‘cell death’ mutants (right). Boxed periods in each upper trace are magnified in bottom trace. Epileptiform activity was present in mutants 1 day after treatment; controls showed almost normal activity. Group A mutants sporadically showed spike and wave discharges with concomitant background activity whereas Group B mutants displayed a burst suppression-like pattern.
(B) Group B mutants showed higher occurrence of epileptiform activity than Group A mutants (right). Almost no activity was observed in control mice (left). Mann-Whitney U-test, **P<0.005.
(C) Group B mutants showed longer duration of brief epileptiform activity events than Group A mutants. Student’s t-test, **P<0.005.
(D) Burst-like epileptiform activities were still detected in Group B mutants 7 days after KA treatment (right), but were rarely observed in Group A mutants or control mice (left). Mann-Whitney U-test, *P<0.05. Black bar, fNR1 mice; red bar, mutant mice; open red bar, Group A mutant mice; pink bar, Group B mutant mice. The number in parentheses indicates the number of animals.