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. 2009 Oct 13;339:b3666. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b3666

Table 4.

 Multivariable logistic regression model comparing SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) infants with high risk control infants. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Factors SIDS infants High risk control infants Multivariable odds ratio (95% CI)* P value
Mother consumed >2 units† of alcohol in last 24 hours 19/77 (25) 3/82 (4) 26.81 (4.36 to 164.99) 0.0004
Infant shared parental bed or sofa for last sleep‡ 43/79 (54) 16/82 (20) 10.07 (2.80 to 36.24) 0.0004
Infant found prone for last sleep 23/79 (29) 7/81 (9) 11.47 (2.29 to 57.56) 0.003
Gestational age of infant ≤37 weeks 21/80 (26) 3/82 (4) 11.17 (2.22 to 56.35) 0.003
Infant swaddled for last sleep 19/78 (24) 3/82 (4) 10.67 (2.14 to 53.29) 0.004
Infant’s health in last 24 hours fair or poor 22/79 (28) 7/82 (9) 6.53 (1.54 to 27.69) 0.01
Infant (head or whole body) placed on pillow for last sleep 16/78 (21) 3/82 (4) 8.47 (1.48 to 48.40) 0.02
Infant slept in room without parent for last sleep‡ 21/79 (27) 17/82 (21) 0.08
Apgar score <8 at 1 minute 15/76 (20) 6/79 (8) 0.21
Infant admitted to neonatal intensive care unit at birth 15/80 (19) 2/82 (2) 0.31
Infant appeared ill in last 24 hours 26/80 (33) 6/82 (7) 0.41
Infant birth weight <2500 g 13/80 (16) 3/82 (4) 0.44

Multivariable logistic regression model includes 74/80 SIDS cases (93%) and 81/82 controls (99%). Factors from variable infant sleeping in room without parent onwards were significant in univariable analysis but not significant in multivariable model; P value of these variables calculated by adding each variable to full model.

*Adjusted for infant’s age (P=0.77) and daytime or night time sleep (P=0.35), maternal smoking during pregnancy (P=0.18), maternal social class (P=0.04), young maternal age (P=0.86), and ≥3 live births (P=0.73) as well as other significant factors in multivariable model.

†Maximum recommended daily alcohol intake for women (United Kingdom): one unit is equivalent to one glass of beer (half pint), one small glass of wine, or one measure of spirits.

‡Multicategorical variable; infants who slept in a cot next to parental bed were reference group.