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. 2009 Feb 10;18(4):839–844. doi: 10.1002/pro.76

Table II.

X-Ray Diffraction Data and Model Refinement Statistics for Mpro-C dimer

Data collection statistics
Cell parameters a = 51.4 Å, b = 51.3 Å, c = 51.4 Å
α = 112.2°, β = 112.0°, γ = 104.4°
Space group P1
Wavelength used (Å) 1.5418
Resolution (Å) 50.0 (2.5)a – 2.4
No. of all reflections 44,600
No. of unique reflections 15,252
Completeness (%) 96.0 (88.1)
Average I/σ(I) 27.3 (5.2)
Rmergeb (%) 5.1 (19.0)
Refinement statistics
No. of reflections used (σ(F) > 0) 14,727
Rworkc (%) 20.8
Rfreec (%) 24.3
No. of protein residues 402
No. of protein atoms 3162
No. of solvent molecules 60
RMSD bond distance (Å) 0.007
RMSD bond angle (°) 1.322
Average B-value (Å2) 40.2
Ramachandran plot statistics
Residues in most favored regions 91.9%
Residues in additionally allowed regions 7.8%
Residues in generously allowed regions 0.3%

Numbers in parentheses are corresponding values for the highest resolution shell.


Rmerge = ΣhΣl | Iih − <Ih> |/ΣhΣI <Ih>, where <Ih> is the mean of the observations Iih of reflection h.


Rwork = Σ(||Fp(obs)| − |Fp(calc)||)/ Σ|Fp(obs)|; Rfree = R factor for a selected subset (5%) of the reflections that was not included in prior refinement calculations.