Effect of fungus infection on mosquito insecticide-resistance levels. (A) Corrected mean (±SEM) percentage mortality of uninfected (black), Beauveria-infected (red), and Metarhizium-infected (blue) mosquitoes after exposure to permethrin 3 days after fungal infection. The tested mosquito strains A. funestus (AfPerm), A. arabiensis from Sudan (Aa2DDT), and A. gambiae s.s. (AgMR) exhibit high baseline levels of permethrin resistance. Data represent mosquito mortality of five replicates, each containing 25 females. (B) Effect of permethrin exposure on Beauveria-infected (red) and uninfected (black) permethrin-resistant A. funestus (AfPerm) mosquitoes at 3 days (Left) and 5 days (Right) after fungal infection. Data represent corrected mean (±SEM) percentage mortality from five replicates, each containing 25 females. (C) Corrected mean (±SEM) percentage mortality of Beauveria-infected (red) and uninfected (black) DDT-resistant mosquitoes [A. arabiensis (Aa2DDT) and A. gambiae s.s. (AgMR)]. Data represent five replicates, each containing 25 females. For each treatment, mortality of mosquitoes exposed to insecticide was corrected for mortality of counterparts exposed to control papers, using Abbott's formula (39). Asterisks indicate significant differences determined by χ2 test. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.