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. 2009 Jul 31;11(3):e33. doi: 10.2196/jmir.1222

Table 1.

Communication formats that reduce bias and facilitate comprehension of probabilistic risk estimatesa

Risk Communication Format and Selected Relevant Citations Why the Recommended Format Is Important When the Communication Goal Is to Educate and Inform
Describe the risk using words and numbers [20,22]. Using words only is ambiguous because people assign different numeric values to the same label (eg, “small” can mean “2%” to some people and “10%” to others). Using numbers only is problematic due to the population’s low levels of numeracy (ie, the ability to use numeric information) and a lack of contextual information (eg, Should a 7% lifetime risk of breast cancer be considered a high risk or a low risk?).
Communicate numeric risk as N in 1000 or as a percentage [16,17,20,22]. Risk comprehension is highest when risk estimates are presented as a percentage or as N in 1000, compared to other formats like the number-needed-to-treat or odds ratios. However, both recommended formats have drawbacks. The N in 1000 format can encourage people to overemphasize risk by “imagining the numerator,” but the percentage format is more difficult to use when conducting complex calculations (eg, the probability of a woman having breast cancer given a positive mammogram).
Provide absolute and comparative risk information [20,25,28-30], but see [24]. Providing both absolute and comparative information helps people determine the amount of importance that they should place on the risk and guides them in making informed decisions about their behavior. For example, telling a woman that she has a 5% 5-year risk of developing breast cancer might not be meaningful unless she recognizes that this means that she is at above average risk. However, telling people only that they are at below-average risk might reduce motivation to engage in preventive behavior.
Compare cancer risk to the risk of other hazards [22]. Helping people understand where their risk of cancer falls in relation to other hazards such as heart disease, being struck by lightening, and being in a car accident allows them to place the risk in context and thereby help them determine where to invest their limited time, energy, and economic resources.
Frame the risk in positive and negative terms [18,20,25]. Framing the risk in negative terms only (eg, “Your risk of cancer is 5%”) places focus only on the negative outcome and might result in exaggerated risk perceptions. Adding positive framing (eg, “This means you have a 95% chance of not getting cancer) helps participants place the risk in context.
Specify the duration of risk [20,25]. Specifying whether the risk estimate is applicable to the next 5 years, 10 years, or over the visitor’s lifetime is essential to help them place the risk in context and determine how much they should be concerned about the event. For example, a 7% risk of breast cancer would be more worrisome if it was applicable to the next 5 years than over one’s lifetime.
Provide safety messages and risk reduction strategies [31-33]. Informing people how to reduce their risk is an essential component of risk communication messages, particularly for individuals who have not learned risk reduction strategies previously. Providing risk information without such safety messages may undermine risk communication efforts by encouraging people to control their fear (eg, by trying to ignore the risk) rather than encouraging people to control the danger (eg, by engaging in appropriate health behaviors).
Include a visual display of risk [20,22,26]. Using a visual display can increase comprehension of risk information. However, care must be taken to avoid biasing perceptions of risk (eg, displays that focus attention on the number of people affected by a disease can exaggerate a risk compared to displays that include information about the number of people affected and the number of people who are not affected).
Acknowledge that the risk estimate contains an element of uncertainty [22]. Individualized risk estimates are based on statistical modeling of population-level data. Consequently, they always contain a level of uncertainty. Informing the audience of this fact is essential to prevent them from attributing an unreasonable degree of certainty to the estimate.

aThese formats can be implemented with varying levels of success and might not be equally effective in all situations. Additional examples of each format are located in Table 5.