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. 2009 Aug 11;11(3):e35. doi: 10.2196/jmir.1248

Table 3.

Test-retest reliability of measures of risk for and protection against tobacco usea

Time 1 Time 2 No. ICC or κ 95% CI or SE
Family historyof tobacco use
Mother used tobacco, % 47.8 48.6 1188 κ = 0.86 0.83, 0.89
Father used tobacco, % 72.4 74.0 1148 κ = 0.75 0.71, 0.79
Number of siblings who used tobacco, mean (SD) 1.38 (1.5) 1.40 (1.5) 392 ICC = 0.84 0.02
Number of offspring who used tobacco, mean (SD) 0.68 (1.0) 0.63 (0.9) 243 ICC = 0.87 0.02
Exposure to secondhand smoke
Smoking currently allowed inside home, % no 56.0 57.2 1213 κ = 0.80 0.77, 0.83
Smoking currently allowed in car, % no 38.2 38.4 1213 κ = 0.83 0.80, 0.86
Children currently exposed to smoke inside home, % no 85.6 87.0 1229 κ = 0.65 0.58, 0.71
Alcohol use
Ever used alcohol, % 91.2 89.3 522 κ = 0.41 0.29, 0.54
Drink alcohol currently, % 80.4 75.9 515 κ = 0.59 0.50, 0.67
Age first tried alcohol, years, mean (SD) 15.9 (2.8) 15.8 (3.1) 444 ICC = 0.70 0.02
Used any form of tobacco when first used alcoholb, % 68.5 62.9 143 κ = 0.64 0.47, 0.80
Used cigarettes when first tried alcoholb, % 73.0 69.7 337 κ = 0.63 0.54, 0.72
How often drink, % at least several times per week 27.2 28.1 442 ICC = 0.80 0.02
Number of drinks when use alcohol, mean (SD)c 3.10 (2.3) 3.08 (2.3) 407 ICC = 0.76 0.02
Use tobacco now when drink alcohol, % of time 59.6 58.6 917 ICC = 0.78 0.01
Religiosity (scale 1–5)d
My faith involves all of my life, mean (SD) 2.67 (1.5) 2.70 (1.5) 454 ICC = 0.72 0.02
One should seek God’s guidance when making every important decision, mean (SD) 3.05 (1.6) 3.05 (1.6) 1035 ICC = 0.84 0.01
In my life I experience the presence of the divine, mean (SD) 2.81 (1.5) 2.83 (1.5) 434 ICC = 0.70 0.02
My faith sometimes restricts my actions. 2.39 (1.5) 2.47 (1.5) 462 ICC = 0.63 0.03
Nothing is as important to me as serving God as best I know how, mean (SD) 2.64 (1.5) 2.68 (1.5) 452 ICC = 0.82 0.02
I try hard to carry my religion over into all my other dealings in life, mean (SD) 2.62 (1.5) 2.66 (1.4) 463 ICC = 0.70 0.02
My religious beliefs are what really lie behind my whole approach to life, mean (SD) 2.57 (1.5) 2.60 (1.4) 455 ICC = 0.75 0.02
It doesn’t matter so much what I believe as long as I lead a moral life, mean (SD) 3.57 (1.5) 3.53 (1.5) 462 ICC = 0.47 0.04
Do you participate or believe in one specific religion or belief system?, % yes 52.8 52.5 1224 κ = 0.71 0.67, 0.74
How frequently do you attend church meetings or gatherings associated with this religion or belief system?, % daily or weekly 18.1 17.6 1224 κ = 0.55 0.51, 0.58
How often do you pray or meditate in an effort to communicate with deity, or with what some people call a “higher power”?, % daily or weekly 49.5 50.7 1224 κ = 0.52 0.48, 0.55
Have you ever participated in a religious or social group that discourages or prohibits tobacco use?, % yes 12.9 12.1 703 κ = 0.53 0.45, 0.60

a Some questions were added to the LTUQ between first and second waves of test-retest administration, resulting in lower cell sizes.

b Findings include responses of “yes,” “no,” “unsure,” or “decline to state.”

c ICC calculations excluded two outliers.

d Adapted from Hoge and colleagues [22,23]. Scale: 1 (“disagree”) to 5 (“agree”) plus “unsure” or “decline to state,” unless indicated otherwise in parentheses.