diabetes (history of)
stroke (history of)
hypertension (history of)
prior CABG
prior valve surgery
prior PCI
prior MI
peripheral vascular disease (history of)
COPD (history of)
depression (history of)
atrial fib./flutter (history of)
permanent pacemaker
cardiac resynchronization therapy
ACE inhibitor at baseline
beta blocker at baseline
etiology of heart failure
CPX mode (treadmill or bicycle)
heart failure hospitalizations in the last 6 months (0, 1, 2, or 3+)
region (4 regions of US, Canada, or France)
race (African American, White, or Other)
NYHA class (II vs. III/IV) at baseline
CCS angina class at baseline
rest ECG ventricular conduction prior to baseline CPX test (normal, LBBB, RBBB, IVCD, or paced)
rest ECG rhythm prior to baseline CPX test (sinus, a fib, or other)
smoking status (never, current, or past)
diastolic BP
systolic BP
resting HR (clinic visit)
resting HR (CPX test)