Systemic treatment with the CB2R agonist decreases neutrophil recruitment to the lung and pulmonary injury. WT (n = 6) and GP1a-treated mice (n = 6) underwent CLP. A, Representative H&E-stained lung sections of WT mice treated with GP1a or vehicle 24 h after CLP. B, Total lung tissue neutrophils were acquired via GentleMACS of lungs from sham treated with vehicle, sham treated with GP1a, and WT mice treated with GP1a or vehicle 24 h after CLP. GentleMACS homogenate was layered on Lympholyte M and the cellular layer obtained was FACS stained for enumeration and C, CD11b expression by flow cytometric analysis. The sample size equals four to six per group. D, Lung permeability as determined by protein recovered in the BAL of WT mice treated with GP1a or vehicle 48 h after CLP. The sample size equals six per group. E, Peritoneal lavage cell oxidative burst from WT mice 6 h after CLP when treated with 0, 1, and 10 µm GP1a in vitro. The sample size equals five mice per group. Data expressed as mean ± SEM. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001 as compared with WT.