Fig 2. Appearance of major CTL and B epitopes, the most variable regions, and “hot spot” aa exchanges on the surface of the HBc tetramer.
3D data are presented from the X-ray structure of the HBc, genotype A 3 by Chimera software.20 Chains A, B, C, and D of the HBc tetramer are colored pink, light green, gold, and light blue, respectively; three different viewing angles are used for HBc drawings: (i) A and B, (ii) C, D, and E, and (iii) F. A, CTL epitope 18-FLPSDFFPSV-27 is colored red, the “hot spot” S21 is blue; B, the same as A, but the B epitope 74-NNLEDPASRDLVVNYV-89 (red) and the “hot spot” A80 (blue) are added; C, two most variable regions 64-ELMTLAT-70 and 91-TNMGL-95 are colored blue, E64 — black, and M93 — red; D, the same as C, but the S87 is colored red; E, the same as C, but the T67 is red; F — the inner part of the HBc tetramer is exposed, “hot spots” of the inner HBc surface Y38 and S49 are red, A80 is colored red to mark the tips of the HBc spikes in the new presentation angle.