Table 4.
Milk production, composition, and lactose hexoses derived from hexoneogenesis and plasma glucose during fasting and refeeding
14-h Fast | 42-h Fast | Refeeding | |
Milk volume, ml/feed | 99±7a | 86±8b | 88±8a,b |
ml/day* | 793±55a | 684±68b | 704±68a,b |
Protein concentration, g/dl | 1.7±0.2 | 1.9±0.1 | 1.7±0.3 |
Lactose concentration, g/dl | 7.4±0.3 | 6.5±0.2 | 6.3±0.2 |
Milk glucose from hexoneogenesis, % | 41±4a | 40±8a | −16±5 |
Milk galactose from hexoneogenesis, % | 50±3a | 52±7a | −1±3b |
Milk lactose from hexoneogenesis, % | 45±3a | 46±8a | −8±3b |
Milk lactose from plasma glucose, % | 55±3a | 54±8a | 109±3b |
Milk lactose from hexoneogenesis, μmol·kg−1·min−1† | 1.7±0.1a | 1.4±0.1b | −0.2±0.1c |
Milk lactose from plasma glucose, μmol·kg−1·min−1‡ | 2.1±0.1a | 1.6±0.1b | 3.2±0.2c |
Values are means ± SE; n = 6. Paired t-test was used. Different superscripted letters within the same row indicate difference. Significance was set as P (paired) < 0.05.
*Calculated by multiplying the milk volume (ml/feed) × 8 feedings/day.
†Based on lactose derived from hexoneogenesis (%), milk volume, and lactose concentration.
‡Based on lactose derived from plasma glucose (%), milk volume, and lactose concentration.