Nox2 is localized to endosome and phagosome membranes. In necrosis, TNF-α activates TNFR1, which recruits TRADD to the receptor. TRAF2 then binds to TRADD in a Nox2-derived ROS dependent manner and activates IKK, leading to NFκB activation and necrosis. Nox2 in endosomes is also activated by thrombin, VEGF and angiopoietin-1. Nox2-derived ROS promote angiogenesis by activating VE-cadherin, Akt and cSrc. Nox2 acts in host defense in phagosomes by producing O2•−, which is dismutated to H2O2. The reaction of H2O2 with Cl− is catalyzed by MPO to form HOCl, which is bacteriocidal.