Figure 3.
BoNT complex and flanking regions in different strains. The bont gene cluster, flanking regions and location (chromosome or plasmid) are indicated for the different strains. The orfX cluster (orfX3-orfX2-orfX1-(botR)-p47-ntnh-bont complex genes) is present in the BoNT/E-producing strains (C. botulinum and C. butyricum), the BoNT/A1 of the A1(B) strain, serotype F (BoNT/F and BoNT/bvF) and the BoNT/A2-A4 subtypes. The ha cluster (ha70-ha17-ha33-botR-ntnh-bont complex genes) is present in the serotype B strains containing BoNT/bvB, BoNT/B1, npBoNT/B, BoNT/(B) and BoNT/A1 of the Hall strain. The flanking regions consist of IS elements, flagellin (fla), lycA and hypothetical (hypo) proteins. The prime symbol indicates a partial gene.