Snf1KD regulates SUC2 and
GAL1 independently of Reg1. Strains MCY3922
(snf1Δ GAL1-lacZ) and MCY3923 (snf1Δ reg1Δ
GAL1-lacZ) were transformed with pKL3, pRJ93, or the vector
pRS424. pKL3 and pRJ93 express Snf1 residues 1–309 (here referred to
as Snf1KD; elsewhere Snf1KD comprises residues 1–392) and the entire
Snf1, respectively, from the SNF1 promoter.
Transformants were grown to mid-log phase in selective SC + 2%
glucose/2% galactose (Glu/Gal, ░⃞) and were shifted to
SC + 0.05% glucose/2% galactose for 6 hr (Gal, ▪).
Values are average invertase and β-gal activities for four
transformants. ND, not determined because these cultures grew poorly.