HPLC analysis and comparison of Kb-eluted radiolabeled peptides from control NLVS-treated EL-4 cells, TPPII transfectant, and adapted cells. Control EL-4 cells (A), cells treated with NLVS for 16 h (B), adapted cells (C), and TPPII transfectants treated with NLVS (D) were labeled with 3H-leucine and 3H-tyrosine for 6 h. Class I molecules (H-2Kb) were immunoprecipitated and bound peptides (solid lines) were eluted and separated by HPLC. Peptides loaded on HPLC were normalized for total cell incorporation of radiolabeled amino acids. Mock-precipitated material (dotted lines) refers to nonspecific background. Peptide standards included with each run showed elution times between runs to differ by less than a minute.