Fig. 2.
Increased necrosis in syngeneic tumors in AnxA1 KO mice. (A and B) Average necrotic volume in (A) B16 [KO (n = 15 mice) and WT (n = 17)] or (B) LLC [KO (n = 15 mice) and WT (n = 14 mice)] tumors of KO and WT mice (error bars indicate SD). (C) Representative KO and WT mice with B16 tumors. Note smaller tumor size with extensive necrosis in KO mouse, but larger tumor size and no necrosis in WT mouse. (D and E) Tissue staining by hematoxylin and eosin of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor sections from WT (D) and KO (E) mice with LLC-derived tumors. (Scale bar, 100 μm.)