Can feel the left testicle as normal…swelling attached to it
Mass at lower pole of scrotum distinct from either testicle
No testicular swelling or abnormality on examination
A soft lump adjacent to [R] testis… I do not expect this to be a malignant lump
Left hydrocele…transilluminates completely…to exclude underlying neoplasm
He has a very large hydrocele…transilluminates…may be due to malignancy
This may well be a cyst of the [R] epididymis
Appears to have a hydrocele on the [L] side
Swelling not attached to the [L] testis…feels like a varicocele
Painless lump on his [R] testicle…appearance of epididymal cyst which transilluminates
Cystic swelling separate from testis
Lump in [L] scrotum…I felt it was a hydrocele