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. 2009 May;19(2):127–131. doi: 10.4103/0971-3026.50830

Table 1.

Clinical data of all 12 patients

Patient Age Sex Vocal cord palsy Laryngo-scopy MRI Cause Disease/other reason for hoarseness
I 24 F Right Y Y Recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) palsy Mediastinal manifestation of M. Hodgkin
II 65 M Left Y Y Luxation of the arytenoid cartilage Post intubation
III 69 M None N N T1a N0 M0 glottic cancer
IV 46 M None N N Leukoplakia
V 56 M Right Y Y RLN palsy
VI 62 M Left Y Y Lung cancer
VII 75 M None N N Unknown
VIII 80 F None N N Papillomatosis
IX 73 F Right Y Y Vagal nerve palsy
X 36 M Left Y Y RLN palsy Aortic dissection
XI 61 M Right Y Y RLN palsy Sarcoma
XII 75 F None N N Postoperative hoarseness