Comparisons across different window sizes L. Comparisons of the standardized scores for regions identified in our analysis of LD differences between HapMap CEU vs. WTCCC 58C with different numbers of SNPs in each window. Four separate analyses were run with L = 25, 50, 100, and 200 SNPs, respectively, where comparisons were made against the regions identified with L = 50. For each of the regions identified for L = 50, we noted the maximum standardized varLD scores in this region in the analyses with L = 25 (A), 100 (B), and 200 (C). Each point in the figures represents a region identified in the original analysis with L = 50. The size and shade of each point indicates the relative size of the region, with larger circles and darker shades of gray indicating larger regions. (Black shading) Regions with sizes >500 kb.