Effect of P2X purinoceptor blockade on EFS-evoked hyperpolarization in the longitudinal smooth muscle of the chicken mesenteric artery. The P2X purinoceptor was blocked by the specific blocker PPADS (50 µM) or by desensitization with the agonist α,β-MeATP (1 µM). Typical recordings of EFS-evoked responses in the absence (control) or presence of PPADS (A) and those in the absence (control) or presence of α,β-MeATP (C) are shown. Peak amplitudes of EFS-evoked hyperpolarization are summarized as means ± SEM (B, n= 10; D, n= 8). *Significantly different from corresponding control values (P < 0.05). EFS, electrical field stimulation; α,β-MeATP, α,β-methylene ATP; PPADS, pyridoxal phosphate-6-azophenyl-2′,4′-disulphonic acid.