Figure 3.
Striatal somatostatin (SST) and cholinergic (ChAT, choline acetyltransferase) interneurons were selectively ablated using SSP-SAP. Animals were intrastriatally injected with SSP-SAP [4ng, 1 ul volume] (b,d,f,h) and saporin (SAP) [4ng, 1 ul volume] on the contralateral side (a,c,e,g). Three weeks after microinjections, coronal sections of striatal tissue were immunostained with antibodies against SST or ChAT. White arrows indicate representative somatostatin (a–c) or ChAT staining (e–g). Note the absence of immunostaining for SST or ChAT interneurons on the side injected with SSP-SAP (d,h). Magnification bars indicate 250 μm for low magnification images (a,b,e,f) and 50 μm for high magnification images (c,d,g,h).