Figure 1.
Data shown illustrate the direct effects of butorphanol (0, 6 & 12 mg/70 kg, i.m.) when given after pretreatment with oral placebo. The baseline time point represents data collected 30 min prior to the injection. Measures shown include (a) pupil diameter, (b) respiratory rate, (c) visual analog data for the questions, “Do You Feel Any Drug Effect?” and (d) “Do You Feel Sedated?” All data shown are means (n=10) ± 1 S.E.M. Significant effects of butorphanol dose were found for all four measures (F [2, 18] = 41.4 pupil diameter; 20.3 respiratory rate; 12.3 drug effect, 3.5, sedated, 7.8; p ≤ .05). Significant main effects of time were also found for each measure (p ≤ .006). Filled symbols indicate a statistically significant difference (p < .05) compared to the baseline time point for that respective condition according to Tukey tests.