Figure 5.—
Extended genetic and physical maps at the SKr locus and syntenic relationships with rice. (A) Genetic map of the SKr locus on wheat chromosome arm 5BS. (B) Physical map at the SKr locus on wheat chromosome 5BS. (C) Detailed representation of the BAC clones identified at the 5B homeologous GSP (1793L02 in blue, (Chantret et al. 2005, 2008) and SKr loci. The gene order on partially sequenced BAC 317L24 (in orange) corresponds to the order established on the genetic map for cfb341 and GBR0233. GSP-1 (grain softness protein). (D) Colinearity with genes located on rice chromosomes 1, 2, and 12L. (E) Rice BAC clones associated with the different wheat orthologous genes on chromosome 5BS. The 11 rice genes on chromosomes 1, 2, or 12 are annotated as follows: (1) Os01g14180: expressed protein; (2 a, b, c) Os02g13990: U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A (U2A); (3) Os12g44250: vesicle-associated membrane protein; (4) OS12g44240: N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase; (5 a, b) Os12g44220: ATPase; (6) Os12g44210: ATPase, AAA family domain containing protein; (7) Os12g44190: ATPase 3; (8) Os12g44180: nodulin; (9) Os12g44170: pentatricopeptide; (10 a, b, c) Os12g44160: oxidoreductase; and (11 a, b) Os12g44150: plasma membrane ATPase. Gray: other genes present on rice chromosome 12.