Fig. 3.
Ectopic expression of Orc1 induced exposure of phosphatidylserine and blebs on cell surfaces, but Orc2 did not. (A) CHO cells were transfected with 1 µg pFCgOrc1 (Orc1) or pFCgOrc2 (Orc2) DNA. At 24 hours post-transfection, they were fixed and then stained with anti-FLAG antibody (red). Inset: cells transfected with pCgOrc1 [stained with anti-CgOrc1 antibody (green)] gave results comparable with those transfected with pFCgOrc1. (B) Live transfected cells were stained with annexin-V to reveal cells undergoing apoptosis. (C) The fraction of cells that bound annexin-V was determined for the indicated plasmid or with Fugene alone. DIC, differential interference contrast.