AG490 downregulates gp130 expression. (A, B) RT4 cells were treated with AG490 (50 µM) or AG1478 (50 µM) for the indicated times, and then Western blot analysis was performed to examine the protein levels of gp130, JAK2, Unc5b and beta-tubulin. (B) Quantitative results showing the changes in gp130 levels following AG490 or AG1478 treatment. gp130 showed two bands with different molecular weights, and the intensity values of each of two gp130 bands were added for analysis. (C) A dose-dependent downregulation of gp130 by AG490 treatment. (D) RT4 cells were treated with AG490 (50 µM) for the indicated time, and total RNA was extracted for RT-PCR analysis. GAPDH mRNA levels were used as a control. Quantitative data represent the means±S.E of three independent experiments. *p<0.05.