Figure 3. Enhanced paired pulse facilitation in mossy fiber terminals of HuD-Tg mice.
A) The input-output relationships of mossy fibers, as represented by the presynaptic fiber volley amplitude (binned in 0.05 mV) vs. fEPSP slopes, did not reveal significant changes in either genotypes (two-way ANOVA, p>0.05 for genotype effects). B) Altered HuD and GAP-43 expression leads to increased paired pulse facilitation in mossy fiber-CA3 synapses at short interpulse intervals (two-way ANOVA, with Bonferroni post hoc tests. *p<0.05). C) No changes of tetanus-induced, NMDAR-independent LTP in either transgenic line. Mossy fiber LTP was induced by four 1-sec trains of 100Hz stimuli that were separated by a 20-sec inter pulse interval. 50 uM AP5 was present during the experimental duration. No significant changes were obtained at 60 min post-tetanus (one-way ANOVA p>0.05). All the electrophysiological measurements used 7–8 mice per group. Filled circles, WT; open circles, line 2; open squares, Line 4