Fig. 4.
Morphometric analysis of pancreata from β-R-q and β-R-s Tg mice and control littermates. β-R-q and β-R-s Tg mice and control littermates were treated for 2 weeks with daily injections of CNO (1 mg/kg i.p.) or saline (controls). (A) Total pancreatic weight (in mg). (B) β Cell mass (in mg). (C) Mean islet size (in μm2). (D) Islet density (expressed as number of islets/mm2 islet area). (E) β Cell (islet cell) size (in μm2). All experiments were carried out with 2-month-old female mice (three to six mice per group; for details, see Materials and Methods). The data obtained with the two WT groups were pooled for the sake of clarity (no significant differences were found between these two groups). Data are presented as means ± SEM. *, P < 0.05, **, P < 0.005, ***, P < 0.0005.