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. 1999 Jan 2;318(7175):30–34. doi: 10.1136/bmj.318.7175.30

Table 1.

Sample characteristics of 21 women interviewed about breast feeding

Characteristic No of women
Age (years):
 16-20 6
 21-30 10
 31-40 5
 Owner occupied 6
 Rented 15
Living arrangements:
 Living separately from the father of baby:
  Living alone 2
  Living with one other person 2
  Living with two or more people 4
 Living with father of baby:
  Living as couple 11
  Sharing with others 2
Mother’s age at completing full time education (years):
 ⩽16 18
 17 or 18 2
 >18 1
Mother’s employment status at time of antenatal interview:
 Full time employment 9
 Half time or temporary employment 4
 Unemployed 6
 Student 2
Method of delivery:
 Spontaneous vaginal delivery 12
 Assisted delivery 7
 Elective caesarean under general anaesthetic 1
 Moved out of area; no birth details available 1
Complications in baby:
 35 Week gestation; admitted to special care for 7 days 1
 Meconium aspiration at term; in neonatal unit for 24 hours 1
 Ventricular septal defect diagnosed at routine newborn examination 1
Maternal complications:
 Postpartum haemorrhage 2
 Third degree tear 1