Perivascular astrocyte barriers restrain the spread of extravasting CD45-positive leukocytes, Iba1-positive macrophages, and CD3-positive T lymphocytes during EAE. A–F, Detail, merged three-color fluorescence images of spinal cord white matter stained for GFAP (green) and (DAPI blue) in combination with either the pan leukocyte marker, CD45 (red, A, B), the macrophage marker, Iba1 (red, C, D), or the T lymphocyte marker, CD3 (red, E, F), in mice with EAE+TK/PBS (A, C, E) or EAE+TK/GCV (B, D, F). Note that in EAE+TK/PBS, CD45-positive leukocytes, Iba1-positive globoid macrophages, and CD3-positive T lymphocytes are largely confined to perivascular clusters of extravasting inflammatory cells (pvc) surrounded by tightly packed GFAP-positive astrocytes (AS) (A, C, E), whereas in EAE+TK/GCV, all of these inflammatory cell types spread widely in the white matter (wm) parenchyma in regions depleted of astrocytes (B, D, F). bv, Blood vessel. Scale bars: A, B, 27 μm; C, D, 15 μm; E, F, 35 μm.