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. 2009 Jan 21;29(3):705–715. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3822-08.2009

Table 2.

Pain processing-related areas in the absence of attentional or emotional modulations

Region (BA) MNI coordinates t score Cluster size
Contralateral ACC 8, 14, 34 3.466 368
Ipsilateral ACC −8, 12, 34 3.568 216
Contralateral insula 32, 16, 8 3.737 13,128
42, 6, −10 4.773
42, −4, −2 4.246
Contralateral S2 56, −14, 14 5.138
62, −18, 22 4.111
Ipsilateral insula −44, 2, 2 3.958 7112
−34, 2, 6 3.438
−34, −2, 10 3.446
−42, −8, 0 4.806
−42, −10, 2 4.820
−42, −14, 8 4.394
−38, −16, 18 3.648
Ipsilateral S2 −50, −24, 22 3.541 1632
Contralateral medialTH 6, −24, 0 5.532 1376
2, −18, 0 4.839
Contralateral S1 10, −42, 64 4.102 896
14, −44, 62 3.916

Thalamic and cortical regions show increased BOLD response during the alternating warm/pain condition for the painful stimuli compared with warm nonpainful baseline. Cluster size refers to the size of the cluster in cubed millimeters with t values superior to 2.5. t scores significant in global search are bolded and underlined. t scores and cluster sizes significant in the directed search are indicated in bold.