Figure 4.
Atherosclerotic lesions in huLPL+ and huLPL− mice. huLPL+/apoE KO and huLPL−/apoE KO mice were maintained on a Western atherogenic diet for 8, 13, or 17 weeks. A, Representative photomicrographs from aortic sinus region of huLPL+/apoE KO and huLPL−/apoE KO male mice they had been fed a Western diet for 13 weeks. Lesion and luminal areas were traced and the areas measured with imaging software. B, Lesion areas for males and females after being fed a Western diet for 8 weeks are represented as percentage of total luminal area of that particular section. Each point represents a unique section from the aortic sinus region of a different animal. C, Lesion area was measured in serial sections starting from the aortic sinus region and proceeding away from the heart. Results for male huLPL+/apoE KO (closed circles) or huLPL−/apoE KO (open squares) mice after 3 weeks on a Western diet are shown.