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. 2009 Oct 30;5(10):e1000552. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000552

Table 1. Truncated domains in the fusion proteins.

fusion protein fplen bp Pfid Dlen Dbeg Dend N/C Dfract IUleft IUright Pfam Desc Mode of Survival?
MLL-ELL 1966 1406 PF10390 237 4 237 C 0.99 80.1 43.5 RNA pol II ef no PDB
Col1A1-PDGFB 488 269 PF04692 76 2 76 C 0.99 97.3 64.3 Platelet gf almost full domain
CBFB-MYH11 553 165 PF02312 171 1 165 N 0.96 38.2 61.4 Core bind f α almost full domain
RUNX1-CBFA2T3 806 204 PF00853 135 1 130 N 0.96 41.9 67.4 Runt domain almost full domain
NSD1-ANKRD28 811 412 PF00023 33 3 33 C 0.94 38.6 24.0 Ankyrin short repeats
TPM4-ALK 784 221 PF00261 237 1 210 N 0.89 52.1 24.4 Tropomyosin coiled-coil
DAZAP1-MEF2D 390 154 PF00076 70 1 60 N 0.86 50.0 63.5 RNA rec motif 2dgs_A termini IUP (11, 14 aa)
IL2-TNFRSF17 298 117 PF00715 144 1 123 N 0.85 14.8 12.5 Interleukin 2 artefact
MN1-ETV6 1653 1256 PF02198 87 14 87 C 0.85 50.7 30.9 SAM domain 1×66_A N-terminal 18 aa IUP
TMPRSS2-ETV1 422 5 PF04621 333 61 333 C 0.82 62.3 55.1 PEA3 ETS tf N no PDB
DDX10-NUP98 1462 219 PF00270 171 1 133 N 0.78 22.7 61.7 DEAD b h-ase 1vec_A 151
CDK6-MLL 2599 123 PF00628 53 13 53 C 0.77 29.0 12.5 PHD-finger 1weu_A 12, 17
E2A-PRL 825 483 PF03792 200 56 200 C 0.73 65.7 48.4 PBC domain no PDB
CLTC-TFE3 1212 932 PF00637 140 1 101 N 0.72 19.7 42.3 Clathrin rep elongated coil of a-helices
MLL-AFF1 2308 1444 PF05110 1201 338 1201 C 0.72 67.2 72.1 AF-4 oncoprot no PDB
RUNX1-AFF3 1184 322 PF05110 1205 341 1205 C 0.72 54.3 62.9 AF-4 oncoprot no PDB
MYH9-ALK 2207 1644 PF01576 858 1 605 N 0.71 55.6 41.4 Myosin tail no PDB
RABEP1-PDGFRB 1317 738 PF09311 196 1 127 N 0.65 24.8 15.4 Rab5 binding coiled-coil
NPM-RAR 563 133 PF03066 199 1 121 N 0.61 39.6 21.2 Nucleoplasmin nucleophosmin 2p1b_H, 122 aa
COL6A3-CSF1 2089 1738 PF00092 174 1 100 N 0.57 40.7 77.8 VWA 1dzi_A 104,114
Col1A1-PDGFB 488 269 PF01391 60 1 34 N 0.57 97.3 64.3 Collagen coiled-coil, repeat
ETV6-JAK2 622 154 PF07714 261 118 261 C 0.55 31.8 28.0 Tyr kinase 2f4j_A 157, 167
MLL-FOXO3 1910 1444 PF00250 98 50 98 C 0.51 49.1 58.0 Fork head 1jxs_A 43, 53, 63
MSN-ALK 1005 448 PF00769 240 1 111 N 0.46 62.3 34.9 Ezrin 1e5w_A 106, 206, 286, 306
CBFB-MYH11 553 165 PF01576 858 512 858 C 0.40 38.2 61.4 Myosin tail no PDB
CDK6-MLL 2599 123 PF00069 288 1 114 N 0.40 29.0 12.5 Protein kinase 1g3n_A 89, 94, 104
COL6A3-CSF1 1571 1211 PF05337 268 181 268 C 0.33 32.6 81.2 Mphag CSF1 no PDB
ATIC-ALK 792 229 PF01808 328 1 96 N 0.29 38.2 36.7 AIC/IMPCHase 1p4r_A 200(scop)
RPN1-EVI1 1156 87 PF04597 429 1 59 N 0.14 26.8 31.6 Ribophorin I no PDB
MLL-CALM 1803 1406 PF07651 267 237 267 C 0.12 71.6 58.8 ANTH domain 1hf8_A 99, 139, 219

Nontrivial cases of fusion proteins are shown where breakpoint falls into a Pfam domain. The abbreviated column identifiers are as follows: Pfid, Pfam identifier; fplen, fusion protein length; bp, breakpoint; Dlen, domain length, Dbeg, Dend, domain match beginning and end, respectively; N/C, the retained half of the truncated domain; Dfract, the retained fraction of the truncated domain; IUleft, IUright, the predicted disorder for the truncated domain and its “mirror” (same number of amino acids as in the truncated domain) on the opposite side of the breakpoint. In the IUleft/IUright columns the value for the truncated domain is italicized whereas the disorder value for its “mirror” is shown in bold. In the last column possible strategies are shown for the truncated domains to follow to avoid elimination by the proteasomal degradation system [49]. “No PDB” indicates the lack of any PDB structures associated with the protein family in question, which together with high predicted disorder values raises the suspicion of the domain being intrinsically disordered. When a PDB code is shown with a list of numbers (shown in bold italic) they indicate positions in the actual domains that are presumably indifferent to truncation based on the exposed hydrophobic surface of the truncated domain (as shown in detail in Figure 4).