Figure 4.
(A) Random effects statistical parametric map (SPM) showing a significantly stronger increase of BOLD activity during stimulation of the SVF than during stimulation of the BVF in the left VLPFC. The SPM is thresholded at a voxel-wise probability of false positives of P = 0.0001 and an extent threshold of five contiguous voxels (corresponding to P < 0.05 corrected for multiple comparison across the whole volume), and shown as surface projection and superimposed on coronal and axial sections of a standard brain (left is left). (B) Bar charts showing VLPFC and affect-related somatosensory activity during stimulation of the SVF and BVF. All responses during pairing runs are subtracted with responses during habituation runs. Affect-related somatosensory activity was extracted from the most significantly activated voxel in a region that showed significant pairing-induced activity during blind field stimulation (indicated by the red circle in A, MNI coordinates x = –42, y = –42, z = 45; Anders et al., 2004a). Error bars represent standard errors of the mean.