Figure 3. Functional closeness and phylogenetic relationship of endosymbionts.
(A) Dendrogram obtained by a linkage clustering method from the matrix of Kulczynski distances between species for the observed distribution of COG categories (Figure 2, Table 2). In all cases, except one, the null hypothesis of getting by chance the corresponding cluster was rejected (bootstrap values were equal or higher than 90%). (B) 16S rDNA maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree, with bootstrap values (%) based on 1000 replicates, of the thirteen compared bacterial species. The methods used to derive the Kulczynski distance, the dendrogram and the phylogenetic tree are detailed in Materials and Methods. Species abbreviations as in Figure 2. 16S rDNA gene NCBI-GeneID: BLB, 99077774; BFL, 1499754; BPE, 3563224; BCI, 4056264; BAP, 7262504; BCC, 4441000; SMU, 5797390; WGL, 1257559; WRI, 7669911; FPS, 5300282; FJO, 5092512; GFO, 4652227; SGL, 3866283.