Conditioned freezing during the training session, inflation session, and tone test (left to right, respectively) (Experiment 2). (A) Mean percentage of freezing (± SEM) during the 10-trial (two-trial blocks) training session is shown for BLA-INF (○), CEA-INF (□), VEH-INF (△), BLA-NoINF (●), CEA-NoINF (■), and VEH-NoINF (▲). Conditioned freezing during the inflation session (Experiment 2). (B) Mean percentage of freezing (± SEM) during the five-trial inflation session for INF (○) and NoINF (●) for rats that received vehicle infusions (far left graph; collapsed across brain areas), NBQX infused into the BLA (middle graph), or NBQX infused into the CEA (right graph). Data are an average of freezing during the ITI periods. (C) Mean percentage of freezing (± SEM) during the two-trial tone test for the INF groups (white bars) and for the NoINF groups (black bar) within each drug group.