Fig. 2.
Effects of age on long-term memory and cued tasks in the Morris water maze. A, B) Graphs showing the performance, measured as cumulative proximity in cm, of 4-, 11- and 26-month-old mice within blocks of 2 place training trials (A) and averaged across all place training trials (B). C) Graph showing the performance, measured as average proximity in cm, of 4-, 11-and 26-month-old mice within individual probe trials. D) Individual learning index scores with the horizontal bar indicating the mean for each age group. E) Graph showing the performance, measured as cumulative proximity in cm, of 4-, 11- and 26-month old mice within cued trials. Proximity measures were corrected for start position. * indicates P < .05 for difference from 4 month olds and # indicates P < .05 for difference from 11 month olds (ANOVA and Fisher’s protected least significant difference). N = 12 for 4 and 11 months olds. N = 10 for 26 month olds. Error bars represent SEM.