Summary of discharge characteristics of sleep-related PF/LH neurons and their responses to MnPN electrical stimulation. A, Group mean ± SEM discharge rates of NREM/REM sleep-related neurons (black bars) and REM sleep-related neurons (hatched bars). The mean firing rate of NREM/REM sleep-related cells significantly increased in QW versus AW, in NREM sleep versus QW, and in REM versus NREM sleep. The mean discharge of REM sleep-related neurons did not differ significantly between AW, QW, and NREM sleep and increased in REM sleep compared with every other state. B, Individual mean discharge rates of NREM/REM sleep-related neurons (solid lines) and REM sleep-related neurons (dashed lines) across sleep–wake states. C, Percentages of different types of responses to single-pulse electrical stimulation of the MnPN. Note that all responders were exclusively or initially excited by MnPN stimulation. D, E, Raster plots and PSTHs corresponding to a pure excitatory response of NREM/REM sleep-related cell (D) and an excitatory–inhibitory response of REM sleep-related cell (E) to single-pulse MnPN stimulation. F, Histograms showing distribution of onset latencies of responses of NREM/REM sleep-related cells (black bars) and REM sleep-related cells (hatched bars). Note the presence of cells responding with short latencies within both subsets of sleep-related cells. NR, Nonresponsive; Exc, excitatory; Exc/Inh, excitatory/inhibitory responses. *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001.