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. 2009 Sep 18;24(7):699–709. doi: 10.1093/arclin/acp064

Table 3.

Intercorrelations for scores on mood, motor, and neuropsychological measures

Measure/Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1. GDS
2. UPDRS-III .05
3. MDRS −.22 −.30
4. Dysphoria .54 −.10 .11
5. Hopelessness .22 .05 −.42 −.24
6. W-A-Va .82 .15 −.22 .48 −.05
7. Anxiety .70 .03 −.17 .35 .29 .40
8. Cogn. Imp.b .70 .01 −.13 .08 .36 .32 .41
9. Gait–balance .14 .72 −.24 −.22 −.01 .20 −.01 .21
10. Tremor .03 .30 −.21 .10 −.16 .28 .02 −.22 .16
11. Rigidity −.20 .70 −.09 −.28 −.14 −.05 −.04 −.16 .44 .20
12. Bradykinesia .11 .86 −.28 .07 .19 .10 .08 .04 .41 .07 .38
13. Dyskinesia −.15 −.06 .06 −.43 .44 −.26 −.16 .17 .03 −.48 −.14 .09
14. WCST CC −.06 −.55 .46 .33 −.21 −.13 .04 −.22 −.46 −.12 −.32 −.48 −.17
15. WCST PE .06 .52 −.58 −.28 .30 .10 −.00 .14 .36 .09 .31 .51 .08 −.89
16. CVLT-II 1–5 −.04 −.32 .31 .30 −.50 .03 −.04 −.16 −.36 −.13 −.17 −.23 −.20 .31 −.25
17. Letter fluency −.15 −.28 −.02 .08 −.13 −.06 −.17 −.17 −.08 −.12 .00 −.39 −.09 .23 −.27 .17
18. Category fluency −.17 −.44 .30 .21 −.17 −.14 .05 −.39 −.49 −.32 −.07 −.36 −.10 .51 −.43 .44 .56
19. JLO −.13 .01 .06 .00 .09 −.04 −.25 −.19 .09 −.03 −.13 .03 .34 .16 −.14 −.01 .30 .19

Notes: Numbers 4–8 = GDS factors; numbers 9–12 = UPDRS Part III factors; number 13 = UPDRS Part IV item; numbers 14–19 = neuropsychological measures. Absolute r-values ≥0.35 and ≤0.43 = p < .05; absolute r-values ≥0.44 and ≤0.51 = p < .01; absolute r–values ≥0.52 = p < .001.

aWithdrawal-apathy-vigor factor of the GDS.

bCognitive impairment Factor of the GDS.