Figure 3.
Phylogenetic tree analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences of VHSV (A) and various other rhabdovirus genomes (B). Information about the VHSV strains and rhabdoviruses sequences used in this analysis is described in Table 2. Rhabdoviruses belonging to the same genus are circled in B. Novirhabdovirus (Blue); Lyssavirus (Red); Vesiculovirus (Orange); Cytorhabdovirus (Teal); Nucleorhabdovirus (Black); BEFV-Ephemerovirus; Siniperca-unclassified rhabdovirus. Phylogenetic tree analysis was conducted by neighbor-joining method using 1000 bootstrap replications. The scale at the bottom indicates the number of substitution events and bootstrap confidence values are shown at branch nodes.