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. 2009 Oct 15;10:334. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-10-334

Table 1.

Data types and services used in the example

Input DT Service Output DT
Object getAASequence AASeq
getAASequenceCollection AASeq
  GenericSeq fromGenericSequenceCollectionToFasta Fasta
fromGenericSequenceToFasta Fasta
fromGenericToAASequence AASeq
   AASeq runBlastp BlastText
runTblastn BlastText
   NNSeq runBlastn BlastText
runBlastx BlastText
runTblastx BlastText
   BlastText getBestHitsFromBlast Object
getIDsFromBlast Object
parseMultipleAlignFromBLASTText FastaAAmult
   Fasta fromFastaToAASequence AASeq
fromFastaToGenericSequence GenericSeq
runDisruptionPhysicalProperties TextPlain
   FastaAA fromFASTAToAASequence AASeq
runPSIBlastpFromFASTA BlastText
   FastaAAmult fromFASTAToAASequenceCollection AASeq

Schematic representation of a reduced set of data types and associated services able to process these different types of data. Although tools names are descriptive, a long description is available as supplementary material [see Additional file 1].