Overexpression of proteins containing the N-terminal region of Rng2 produced aberrant actin cables and blocked CR formation. (A) The domain organizations of human IQGAP1, S. pombe Rng2, truncated proteins of Rng2, and S. pombe fimbrin Fim1. White numbers show relative amino-acid sequence homology in percent. (B, D, F, G) Phenotype of cells overexpressing Rng2 or its truncated proteins or (C) Fim1. (E) Mock overexpression was performed using an empty vector. Constructs were expressed from plasmids under the control of the strongest nmt1 promoter in wild-type cells (B–F) or cells expressing Sid4-mRFP (G). Expression was induced for 15 h at 30°C, and then the cells were processed for FM as described in Figure 1. Overlaid images of DNA (red) and F-actin are shown in (D–F). In (G), the RFP signals and DNA staining of living cells are shown. Bars: 5 μm.