A. Surface view of a 3D confocal dataset showing the ciliated epidermis of an intact Xenopus embryo. B. At higher magnification, cilia (red, α-tubulin) and an apical actin network (green, phalloidin) are visible. Scale bar = 5μm. C. Rotation of the 3D confocal dataset shown in B allows the same cell to be viewed in cross-section. D. In a control cell, axonemal microtubules are well organized and form atop dense apical actin filaments. d'. Same image as panel D, but without the green channel; yellow line indicates the apical cell surface. E and e'. Simultaneous knockdown of Dvl1 and Dvl3 disrupts ciliogenesis and results in microtubule accumulation below or at the apical surface. F and f'. Expression of Dvl-C1 disrupts ciliogenesis and results in microtubule accumulation below or at the apical surface. G. Thin confocal section at the apical surface (indicated by white bracket in D) reveals that ciliary microtubules project perpendicularly from the cell surface. g'. Actin filaments are highly enriched at the apical cell surface. H. Thin confocal section of a Dvl1/Dvl3 double morphant (indicated by white bracket in E) reveals that ciliary microtubules are interwoven parallel to the apical cell surface. h'. Apical actin filaments are lost at the surface of morphant cells, but remain at cell-cell boundaries. I. Thin confocal section of anembryo expressing Dvl-C1 (indicated by white bracket in F) reveals that ciliary microtubules are interwoven parallel to the apical cell surface. i'. Apical actin filaments are lost at the surface of DVl-C1 expressing cells, but remain at cell-cell boundaries.