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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Nov 2.
Published in final edited form as: Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008 Jun 21;199(3):331–388. doi: 10.1007/s00213-008-1072-4

Table 4. Examples of studies providing anatomically-specific information regarding the neural substrates of PPI, ca. 2001–2007.

  1. Nucleus accumbens
  2. Hippocampus
  3. Prefrontal cortex
  4. Entorhinal cortex
  5. Amygdala
  6. Dorsomedial thalamus
  7. Habenula
  8. Medial septum
  9. Nucleus Basalis of Meynert
  10. Inferior Colliculus
  11. Pedunculopontine nucleus
  12. Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus
  13. Raphe complex
  14. Brainstem
Reference Rat strain, sex Brain regions Manipulation Effect on PPI
Caceda et al. 2005 LE, M Virally mediated increase in NT1 receptor Blocked AMP & DIZ-induced PPI deficits
Culm et al. 2003 SD, M Infusion of PTX Blocked QUIN-induced PPI deficit
Culm et al. 2004 SD, M Infusion of Sp-cAMP Blocked QUIN-induced PPI deficit
Mohr et al. 2007 Mice, C3H, F Infusion of DIH or QUIN ↑PPI after QUIN, but Ø PPI after DIH
Nagel et al. 2003 SD, M Infusion of MSX-3 (A2 antagonist) ↓PPI
Pothuizen et al. 2005 WI, M Core, shell Infusion of muscimol Loss of PP intensity dependency after infusion into NAC core but not shell
Pothuizen et al. 2006 WI, M Core NMDA-lesion of the NAC core enhanced PPI disruption by DIZ but not APO
Powell et al. 2003 LE, F Intra-NAC 6-OHDA in SR & IR rats blocked ↓ in PPI in IR rats
Schwienbacher et al. 2002 SD, M + VTA Infusion of DAergic, adenosinergic, or GABAergic compounds into NAC and/or VTA ↑PPI after combined VTA PTX + NAC SCH23390
Swerdlow et al. 2006d SD, LE and F1 (SDxLE), M + Striatum Measured DA-stimulated [35S]GTPγS-binding in NAC, striatum PPI-APO sensitivity: SD>F1>LE. [35S]GTPγS-binding in NAC, striatum: LE>F1>SD
Ellenbroek et al. 2002,b WI, M CA1 Infusion of AMP, SKF81297 or QUIN ↓PPI after AMP, SKF81297 or QUIN; AMP-induced PPI deficits blocked by intra-NAC SCH23390 but not sulpiride
Ma and Leung 2004 LE, M CA1 Electrical kindling ↓PPI (and ↓PA)
Finamore et al. 2001 Rats Infusion of KA or NMDA antagonists ↓PPI with infusion of NMDA antagonists
Fitting et al. 2006a SD, M Infusion of viral toxin TAT ↑PPI (and ↓PA)
Inada et al. 2003 WI, M Antisense NR1 knockdown ↓PPI with knockdown 6, but not 14d pre-testing
Fitting et al. 2006c SD, M, F Neonatal infusion of viral toxin gp120 ↓PPI (and ↑PA); + Vehicle: ↓PPI with increasing gp120 doses. + APO: ↑PPI with increasing gp120 doses
Fitting et al. 2006b SD, M, F Neonatal TAT infusion Males: ↓PPI at d 30 and 60, but not d 90
Howland et al. 2004b LE, M + dHPC Electrical stimulation VHPC vs. DHPC combined with NAC microdialysis ↓PPI after VHPC but not DHPC stim.; ↑DA efflux: ipsi-but not contralateral NAC after unilateral stim. VHPC but not DHPC
Klamer et al. 2005b SD, M Microdialysis of the VHPC after systemic (or local) PCP ↓PPI and ↑cAMP after PCP; blocked by NO-synthase inhibitor L-NAME
Kusljic and van den Buuse 2004 SD, M + dHPC 5,7-DHT lesion ↓PPI for DHPC lesioned rats, and partially for VHPC lesioned rats
Zhang et al. 2002a WI, M + dHPC Infusion of NMDA ↓PPI after intra-VHPC but not-DHPC infusion
Swerdlow et al. 2004b SD, M + FX Infusion of NMDA into the VHPC in rats with EL lesions of the FX ↓PPI after NMDA infusion into VHPC, unaffected by FX lesion; IA lesion of the VHPC but not EL FX lesion enhanced ↓PPI by APO
Laplante et al. 2005 SD, M IA-neonatal lesion ↓PPI; blocked by biperiden
Zhang et al. 2002b WI, M + dHPC Muscimol or TTX infusion ↓PPI, not blocked by HAL or CLO
Risterucci et al. 2005 SD, M IA-neonatal lesion ↓PPI, ↓blood flow in NAC, BLA,VP, BNST, entorhinal–piriform and orbital CTX
Caine et al. 2001 LH, M dSUB or vSUB QA-lesions ↓PPI after vSUB lesions. ↓PPI to AMP (not APO) after vSUB lesions.
de Jong and van den Buuse 2006 SD, M Infusion of SCH23390 enhanced PPI deficits to APO but not DIZ
Grobin et al. 2006 M, F + MD Neonatal elevation of allopregnanolone ↓PPI in castrates before and after puberty (PD20 and 80), but Ø PPI during puberty (PD40 and 60)
Rajakumar et al. 2004 SD, M Neonatal infusion of antibody to the p75 neurtrophin receptor ↓PPI at age 10 wks, but not 5 wks
Afonso et al. 2007 SD, F NMDA-lesion ↓PPI
Bast et al. 2001 WI, M Infusion of NMDA ↓PPI, not blocked by HAL or CLO
Day-Wilson et al. 2006 LH, M IR (associated with ↓mPFC volume) ↓PPI
Schwabe and Koch 2004 WI, M IA-lesion lesion blocked DIZ-induced ↓PPI but not APO-induced ↓PPI
Shoemaker et al. 2005 SD, M Infusion of SCH23390 into the mPFC; infusion of NMDA into the VHPC in rats with IA mPFC lesion ↓PPI after infusion of SCH23390 in mPFC; mPFC lesions block ↓PPI after intra-VHPC NMDA infusion
Swerdlow et al. 2006c SD, M + NAC Systemic SCH23390, IA lesion of mPFC, 6-OHDA DA depletion of mPFC or NAC ↓PPI after SCH23390, not blocked by either NAC DA depletion or mPFC lesion; ↓PPI after mPFC DA depletion
Schneider and Koch 2005 WI, M IA-neonatal lesion ↑PPI in juveniles; enhanced PPI deficits to APO in adults
Schwabe et al. 2004 WI, M IA-neonatal lesion ↑PPI after neonatal lesions; ↓PPI in both lesioned and intact rats after APO
Goto et al. 2002 WI, M IA lesion ↓PPI, partially blocked by HAL
Goto et al. 2004 WI, M + NAC eCTX lesion with IA, microdialysis of NAC ↓PPI, ↑DA concentration in NAC
Uehara et al. 2007 WI, M + mPFC eCTX lesion with QA, mPFC lidocaine infusion ↓PPI after eCTX lesion or mPFC lidocaine
Daenen et al. 2003 F1 of WI/ UWU, M AMY (or vHPC) Neonatal AMY or VHPC lesions with IA ↓PPI in rats lesioned in the AMY or VHPC on d 7, but not on d 21
Howland et al. 2007 LE, M + eCTX, + vHPC Electrical kindling ↓PPI shortly after kindling of BLA, but not of eCTX or VHPC
Kusljic and van den Buuse 2006 SD, M + CnA 5,7-DHT lesion ↓PPI with lesions of CnA but not BLA
Shoemaker et al. 2003 SD, M QA lesion of the BLA ↓PPI, blocked by quetiapine
Stevenson and Gratton 2004 LE, M + Striatum Infusion of SCH23390 or raclopride ↑PPI after intra-BLA SCH23390, ↓PPI after intra-BLA raclopride
Swerdlow et al. 2002c SD, M Infusion of QUIN or TTX ↓PPI after TTX but not QUIN, not blocked by quetiapine
VII. Habenula
Heldt andRessler 2006 Mice, C57, M Electrolytic lesion Ø PPI in the absence of stress; but ↓PPI after stress in habenula lesioned rats; blocked by CLO
Ma and Leung 2007 LE, M + SUM Infusion of muscimol Muscimol into mS or SUM blocked ketamine-or DIZ-induced PPI deficits
Ma et al. 2004 LE, M Infusion of muscimol Infusion of muscimol into mS blocked PCP-induced PPI deficits
Ballmaier et al. 2002 SD, M Immunolesion of cholinergic NBM neurons ↓PPI, blocked by single or repeated admin. of rivastigmine
Silva et al. 2005 LE, M Electrical stimulation ↓PPI
Sandner et al. 2002 SD, M + PnC Evoked potentials from IC or PnC ↓PPI by ketamine and ↑evoked potentials
Yeomans et al. 2006 WI, M SC, + intercollicular nuc. or PPTg Electrical PP and pulses via electrodes to the SC, IC, intercollicular nucleus, or PPTg PPI after electrical PP to most SC sites. Longer PPI latencies for electrical PP to the SC than IC, intercollicular nuc. or PPTg
Diederich and Koch 2005 WI, M Infusion of muscimol ↓PPI at intervals≥120 ms
Takahashi et al. 2007 Mice, ICR, M + lGP, ssCTX Infusion of phaclofen into the PPTg or lidocain into the lGP, c-fos labeling of brain regions after acoustic pulses or prepulses ↓PPI after intra-PPTg phaclofen or intra-lGP lidocaine; ↑c-fos in lGP after prepulses; ↑c-fos in NAC shell, PnC, and ssCTX after pulses, blocked in NAC and PnC by prepulses
Jones and Shannon 2004 SD, M IA-lesion of the LDTN or SN ↓PPI after lesion of LDTN but not SN
Kusljic et al. 2006 SD, M 5,7-DHT lesion ↓PPI in MRN but not DRN lesioned rats, blocked by HAL or CLO
Kusljic et al. 2003 SD, M 5,7-DHT lesion ↓PPI at all PP intensities for MRN-lesioned rats and for some PP intensities for DRN lesioned rats
XIV. Brainstem
Shishkina et al. 2004 WI, M Neonatal infusion of antisense oligonucleotide complementary to the α2 adrenoceptor ↓PPI at PD34, associated with ↑α2 adrenoceptors in HPC, AMY

AMP Amphetamine, AMY amygdala, APO apomorphine, BG background, BLA basolateral amygdala, BNST bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, C57 C57BL/6J, CLO clozapine, CnA central nucleus of the amygdala, CPA N(6)-cyclopentanyladenosine, CTX cortex, d dorsal, 5,7-DHT 5,7 dihydroxytryptamine, DIH dihydrexidine, DIZ dizocilpine, DRN dorsal raphe nucleus, e entorhinal, EL electrolytic, F females, FX fornix, HAL haloperdidol, HPC hippocampus, IA ibotenic acid, IC inferior colliculus, IR isolation rearing, KA kainic acid, l lateral, LDTN laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, LE Long Evans, LH Lister Hooded, M males, m medial, MD dorsomedial thalamus, MET methamphetamine, MRN median raphe nucleus, NAC nucleus accumbens, NBM nucleus basalis of Meynert, NMDA N-methyl-d-aspartate, NO nitric oxide, OVX ovariectomized, NT neurotensin, 6-OHDA 6-hydroxydopamine, PD postnatal day, PA pulse alone trial, PCP phencyclidine, PFC prefrontal cortex, PnC nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, PPI prepulse inhibition, PPTg pendunculopontine nucleus, PTX pertussis toxin, QA quinolinic acid, QUIN quinpirole, S septum, SD Sprague–Dawley, SC superior colliculus, SN substantia nigra, Sp-cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate analogue, SR socially reared, ss somatosensory, SUB subiculum, SUM supramamillary area, v ventral, VP ventral pallidum, VTA ventral tegmental area, WI Wistar, ↓decreased, ↑ increased, Ø unchanged