Fig. 3.
Normal glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in PpargB/B mice. (A) Plasma glucose (Left Panel) and insulin levels (Right Panel) during glucose tolerance tests on male mice fed regular chow (14≈16 weeks old; n = 8–10). (B) Insulin tolerance tests on female mice fed regular chow (14≈16 weeks old; n = 7–12). Data are expressed as percentage of plasma glucose level before insulin injection. (C) Glucose tolerance tests on males fed a high-fat diet for 3 months (20∼22 weeks old; n = 14–19). Plasma levels of glucose (Right Panel) and insulin (Left Panel) are shown. (D) Insulin tolerance tests on females on a high-fat diet for 3 months (20∼22 weeks old; n = 12–16). *, P < .05 against Pparg+/+ littermates.