Nested haplotype network for Neotoma micropus based on an analysis of mitochondrial d-loop sequence data. Haplotypes are represented by the letter “H” followed by the haplotype number. Closed circles represent putative intermediate haplotypes that were not sampled in this study. Nested clades are designated in italics with the nesting level (1 through 5) followed by a dash and the particular nested clade number. CRE = contiguous range expansion, RGF = restricted gene flow with isolation by distance. Sample sizes for haplotypes containing more than 1 individual are in parenthesis next to the haplotype designation. Haplotypes that contain family units (mother and offspring) are indicated with an asterisk. For ease of identification, solid and dashed polygons were used alternatively to delineate between nesting levels. Solid, thin-lined rectangles represent 1-step clades. Dashed, thin-lined rectangles represent 2-step clades. Solid, medium-lined rectangles represent 3-step clades. Dashed, medium-lined polygons represent 4-step clades; and solid, heavy-lined polygons represent 5-step clades. Ambiguous loop connections are indicated in fine dashed arrows.