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. 2009 Oct;22(4):690–732. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00018-09


DI: a Babel of names and milestones in research

Yr of publication Author(s) (country)a Name used for DI Milestones and new concepts
1894 Thibierge (F) Les acarophobes First clear description
1896 Perrin (F) Des névrodermies parasitophobiques Matchbox sign (first)
1920 Gamper (D) Psychosen des Rückbildungsalter Organic origin (hypothesized thalamic dysfunction)
1921 Pierce (USA) Entomophobia
Myerson (USA) Acarophobia
1923 Giacardy (F) Un cas d'acarophobie familiale SPD (first)
1925 Grøn (FIN) Les dermatophobies Psychogenic origin
1928 MacNamara (USA) “Cutaneous … hallucinations” Hallucinations plus secondary delusions; affection of pets (first)
1929 Schwarz (D) Circumscripte Hypochondrie Occurs as a depressive symptom
1930 Mallet and Male (F) Délire cénesthesique
1934 Smith (USA) Hallucinations of insect infestation
1935 Wilhelmi (D) Ungezieferwahn
1938 Ekbom (S) Der präsenile Dermatozoenwahn Distinct disorder (first), organic/involutional,
Hase (D) Pseudoparasitismus     illusion plus secondary delusions
1944 Davis Insect hallucination
1946 Wilson and Miller (USA) Delusion of parasitosis Four different etiologies
1949 Harbauer (D) Dermatozoenwahn (Ekbom) Presenile or in depression, response to ECT (first), illusions or hallucinations occur
1954 Bers and Conrad (D) Die chronische taktile Halluzinose Multiple etiologies, mostly organic, with emphasis on hallucinations
Böttcher (D) Das Syndrom des wahnhaften Ungezieferbefalls First to gather cases from PCOsb emphasizes syndromal nature
1960 Döhring (D) Ungezieferwahn Sample of 77 cases reported by a microbiologist
1962 Liebaldt and Klages (D) Isolierte taktile Dermatozoenhalluzinose Only postmortem histology (thalamocortical dysconnection)
1965 Tullett (UK) Delusions of parasitosis Separate entity, “monosymptomatic hypochondriasis”
1966 Schrut and Waldron (USA) Delusory parasitosis (entomo-, acaro-, or dermatophobia) Psychoanalytical model (unconscious sexual guilt)
1970 Hopkinson (CAN) Delusions of infestation First response to antidepressant in major depression
1975 Ganner and Lorenzi (D) Der Dermatozoenwahn “Independent” and “as a concomitant phenomenon”
Riding and Munro (UK) Monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis First response to pimozide (case 3)
1978 Annika Skott (S) Delusions of infestation; Dermatozoenwahn (Ekbom's syndrome) First real study, “primary delusion,” organic (>50% of cases)
1979 Frithz (S) Delusions of infestation First study with depot antipsychotics
1982-1986 Ungvari and Vladar (H), Hamann and Avnstorp (S) Dermatozoenwahn, delusion(s) of infestation Open and placebo-controlled studies with pimozide
1983 Lyell (UK) Delusions of parasitosis First and largest survey; DI starts from senile pruritus
1985 Berrios (UK) Delusional parasitosis Four pathogenetic mechanisms, a variety of etiologies
1986 Bourgeois (F) Syndrome d'Ekbom et délires d'infestation cutanée Large survey of French dermatologists
1987 Renvoize et al. (UK) The syndrome of delusional infestation Emphasis on syndromal nature
1989 Musalek (A) Dermatozoenwahn First interdisciplinary outpatient clinic; only SPECT study
1991-1995 Trabert (D) Dermatozoenwahn Only epidemiological study (D), meta-analysis of 1,223 cases
1994 Srinivasan et al. (IND) Delusional parasitosis Open study questioning superiority of pimozide
1995 Gallucci and Beard (US) Delusions of parasitosis Response to atypical antipsychotic risperidone (first) (n = 1)
2007 Lepping et al. (UK) Delusional parasitosis Systematic review of antipsychotics in DI (first)
2008 Freudenmann and Lepping (D) Delusional parasitosis Meta-analysis of cases treated with atypical antipsychotics (first)
Huber et al. (I) Delusional parasitosis Structural MRI study (first)

F, France; D, Germany; USA, United States; FIN, Finland; S, Sweden; UK, United Kingdom; CAN, Canada; H, Hungary; A, Austria; IND, India; I, Italy.


PCO, pest control officer.