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. 2009 Sep 18;191(22):6936–6949. doi: 10.1128/JB.00287-09


X-ray data collection, phasing, and structure refinement statistics

Parameter Value(s) for:
Structure refinement
    Resolution range (Å) 45.9-2.2h 30.33-2.04
    No. of reflections (working/free) 42,833i/4,631 31,937/1,710
    No. of atoms
        Protein/water 3,829/133 3,829/261
        Active-site metal ions 2 2
        Other ions 1 2
        Other ligands 4 3
    Rcryst/Rfreej 0.20/0.25 0.20/0.26
    rmsd bond length (Å) 0.007 0.006
    rmsd bond angle (°) 0.825 0.993
    Ramachandran plot—residues in:
        Favored regions (%) 93.2 96.9
        Allowed regions (%) 6.8 3.1
    Wilson B factor (Å2) 40.3 37.4
Data collection
    Space group C2221 C2221
    Data set Sepeak Seinflection Seremote
        Unit cell (Å) 91.7, 100.3, 114.1 91.7, 100.2, 114.0 91.8, 100.4, 114.1 92.2, 100.4, 113.9
        Wavelength (Å) 0.9793 0.9795 0.9747 0.9761
        Resolution (Å) 50.0-2.20 50.0-2.20 50.0-2.20 30.33-2.04
        Unique reflections 26,718 (2,616)a 26,761 (2,656) 26,490 (2,136) 33,675 (3,314)
        Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.0) 99.8 (100.0) 99.0 (92.0) 99.8 (99.9)
        Redundancy 5.7 (5.0) 5.8 (5.7) 5.4 (3.5) 4.5 (4.5)
        Rmerge (%)b 8.7 (61.5) 7.5 (36.9) 8.4 (89.1) 7.1 (42.8)
        I/σ(I) 16.3 (2.4) 17.6 (4.2) 15.0 (3.5) 11.0 (2.8)
Phasing statistics (29-2.30 Å)
    Rderc 0.074d 0.137
    Ranome 0.069 0.059 0.058
    RCullisf (isod/ano) 0.49/0.73 0.83/0.72 0.84/0.86
    Phasing powerg
        Centric 0.06 0.11 0.16
            isod 0.06 0.09 0.15
            ano 1.20 1.46 1.10
    FOM, overall 0.34
        After DM 0.83
        After Solomon 0.85
    No. of Se sites 15

Highest-resolution shell (2.2-2.28 Å for GCYH-IB, and 2.04-2.11 Å for GCYH-IB·Mn2+) information in parentheses.


Rmerge = 100 × (ΣhΣi|I(h) − I(h)i|)/ΣhΣiI(h)i, where I(h)i is the ith observation of reflection h and I(h) is the mean intensity of all observations of reflection h.


Rder = Σh|FPHFP|/Σh|FP|, where |FP| and |FPH| are the observed structure factor amplitudes of the native and the derivative, respectively.


The dispersive differences were treated as isomorphous replacement information where the data collected at a wavelength of 0.9747 Å are treated as native data.


Ranom = Σh|FPH+FPH−|/Σh|FPH|, where |FPH+| and |FPH−| are the Friedel pair observed structure factor amplitudes of the derivative at a given wavelength, and FPH is their average.


RCullis = Σh[|FH| − (|FPH| − |FP|)]/Σh(|FPH| − |FP|), where |FH| is the calculated heavy-atom structure factor for reflection h.


PPdisp= (1/Nreflh[||FPH| − |FP||/∫02π(|FPHFPHcalc|) P(ϕ) d(ϕ)], where P(ϕ) is the probability of a phase value of ϕ for reflection h. PPano = (1/Nreflh[|ΔobsANO|/∫02π(|ΔobsANO − ΔcalcANO|) P(ϕ) d(ϕ)], where ΔobsANO and ΔcalcANO are the Friedel pair differences in the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes, respectively, for reflection h.


During density modification, structure factors were calculated for remote-wavelength data in the resolution range 2.3 to 2.2 Å.


Anomalous pairs treated as separate reflections.


Crystallographic R factor = 100 × (Σh||Fobs(h)| − |Fcalc(h)||)/Σh|Fobs(h)|, where Fobs(h) and Fcalc(h) are the observed structure factor amplitude and the structure factor amplitude calculated from the model, respectively. The free R factor was monitored with 10% and 5% of the data excluded from refinement for GCYH-IB and GCYH-IB·Mn2+, respectively.