Generation of transgenic mice that specifically express either WT or phosphorylation-resistant RhoA in arterial smooth muscle. (A) Transgene constructs for WT RhoA (RhoAwt) and phosphorylation-resistant RhoA (RhoAA188). Arrowheads, primer set used for genotyping and RT-PCR analysis in panel C; gray bar, SpeI-SpeI fragment recognized by the XbaI-HindIII probe (open bar) in the Southern blotting analysis in panel B. bGH, bovine growth hormone polyadenylation signal; 4F2, human 4F2 enhancer. (B) Genomic Southern blot analysis was performed with the F1 and F2 offspring of the RhoAWT (line 39) and RhoAA188 (line 30) transgenic mice. The transgenic vector (A) was used to quantify the copy number (first and second lanes). (C) Transgene mRNA expression was assessed by semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis of aortas between different founder lines (F2 offspring) of RhoAWT-Tg and RhoAA188-Tg mice. (D) Representative immunostaining with anti-myc-tag antibody showing transgene protein expression in NTg, RhoAWT-Tg (line 39), and RhoAA188-Tg (line 30) mouse heart and aorta sections (brownish signal). L, lumen. Bars, 50 μm. (E) Immunoblot with anti-RhoA and anti-myc-tag antibodies showing the ∼24-kDa transgene product expression in NTg, RhoAWT-Tg, and RhoAA188-Tg mouse aortas. Arrowhead (myc-RhoA), transgene product; arrow, endogenous RhoA. (F) Immunoblot showing the P-moesin level in NTg, RhoAWT-Tg, and RhoAA188-Tg mouse aorta lysates. Values are means ± SEM for triplicates. *, P < 0.05.