FIG. 4.
Prohemocyte markers are downregulated in ush mutant lymph glands. Prohemocyte differentiation was monitored in lymph glands of animals with altered levels of ush expression (fluorescence microscopy) (magnification, ×40). (A to C) Medullary zone prohemocytes and plasmatocytes were identified using DE-cad and P1, respectively, in the following genotypes: wild type (wt), both prohemocytes and plasmatocytes (A); ush heterozygotes, prohemocytes only (B); and ush heterozygotes, plasmatocytes only (C). (D to F) Medullary zone prohemocytes and lamellocytes were identified using DE-cad and L1, respectively, in the following genotypes: wild type, prohemocytes and lamellocytes (D); ush trans heterozygotes, prohemocytes only (E); and ush trans heterozygotes, lamellocytes only (F). The dorsal vessel also expressed L1. (G and H) Medullary zone prohemocytes were identified using Ptc in the following genotypes: wild type (G) and ush trans heterozygotes (H). Scale bar, 100 μm.